Last Updated on September 30, 2023
If you’re looking for an ingredient that’s versatile and nutrition-packed, then yuca root is the right one for you.
Yuca is a plant also known as cassava. It is the root of the cassava plant. It’s a starchy tuber that’s almost like a yam.
Pronounced as “yoo-ka”, this root vegetable surprisingly has a lot of potential as an ingredient. The cassava root is also found easily and can be substituted with potatoes to be the starch in any dish.
In this article, we will take a look at what this edible tuber is, what are its uses, what benefits we get when we eat it and why is it a staple food in many cuisines and cultures.
Let’s learn how to use it in your favorite dishes.
What Is Yuca
Yuca as already mentioned, is the starchy root of the cassava plant. Don’t mistake this for the desert plant native in the United States yucca. They are unrelated to each other.
The yuca root is similar in size and shape to a yam. It has a bark-like skin and must be peeled with a vegetable peeler or grated.
It can weigh anywhere from 1 to several pounds. You can find yuca in the produce section of grocery stores. The most commonly sold kind is the sweet variety.
Yuca or cassava is a major staple food in many cultures as it is one of the most resilient plants and it is resistant to droughts.
It is closely related to yams and sweet potatoes and is eaten by 800 million people around the world.
What Does Yuca Taste Like
It has a mild flavor that is often described as nutty and sweet, with a hint of earthiness.
The texture of cooked yuca is similar to that of a potato, but slightly drier and denser.
It can be boiled, fried, or steamed, and is used in a variety of dishes such as soups, stews, fries, and even desserts.
When boiled, yuca absorbs the flavors of the ingredients it is cooked with, becoming soft and creamy. When fried, yuca turns into crispy golden-brown chunks with a soft interior.
Its versatility in cooking methods and ability to absorb different flavors make it a popular ingredient in many cultures.
Whether eaten as a side dish or as a main ingredient, yuca adds a unique and satisfying taste and texture to any meal.
Differences Of The Starchy Yuca And Sweet Potato
Cassava and sweet potatoes have always been interchanged in recipes worldwide.
But they are completely different from one another. And while they are used in place of one another, they offer a complete culinary experience. Let’s take a look.
🍠 Sweet potatoes – These spuds have a naturally sweet taste which becomes more pronounced as they cook.
The sweetness will vary depending on the preparation and way of cooking. They have a mild, earthy texture and a nutty sweet taste.
They come in a variety of colors with orange, purple, and white being the most common. The skin can be smooth and free of any kind of blemish, And the flesh can also vary in color as well.
Cooked sweet potatoes have a creamy, and soft texture when boiled, baked, or steamed. At times it can also be fibrous but it becomes smoother as they are cooked.
🍠 Yuca – Offers a more neutral taste. It is described as having a mild and earthy flavor as well.
They are long and tapered with a bark-like skin, and flesh that is white and dense. It also has a sweet note to it but not as pronounced as the sweet.
It is supposed to be prepped and cooked in a certain way to make it fit for consumption.
Once cooked properly cassava or yuca has a starchy fibrous texture, and tends to be grainy and dry.
How To Prepare Yuca
Cassava is really a versatile ingredient and should be prepared before it is ready for consumption.
You see, yucca has cyanogenic glucosides also known as cyanide in it and should never be eaten raw.
Using it requires you to peel the bark-like exterior, wash and soak it in water for a few minutes, and then cook it properly to get rid of its cyanide content.
The root is naturally gluten-free, grain-free, and nut-free, making it a perfect ingredient for people with allergies.
How To Cook Yuca
There are a few simple ways to cook raw yuca. Simply peel and cut yuca then fry it to make delicious yuca fries.
Steam or boil yuca, which is used as a substitute for potatoes, or get cassava flour made from yuca which can then be used in baking such as cassava chips or yuca frita.
Or ground into tapioca flour to make tapioca balls that are also known as boba pearls.
Health Benefits of Fresh Yuca
If you want to include cassava in your diet you’ll be in for a pleasant surprise. It doesn’t just taste good it offers a variety of health benefits as well.
Yuca is high in carbohydrates due to its high starch content, which is a great source of energy.
This will fuel you throughout the day. It has a lot of dietary fiber that promotes digestive health and regular bowel movement.
It’s also rich in Vitamin C, B6, folate, and magnesium which improves your immune system. It contains antioxidants that get rid of free radicals which contributes to cell health and slows down the aging process.
It’s a great source of potassium too. This promotes healthy muscles and supports normal heartbeat and blood pressure. It is also good for maintaining liquid inside our cells.
Finally, it is gluten-free and low in fat which is great for people who have allergies and those who want to watch their weight.
Cassava has a lot to offer. But if you are having doubts about whether you can include this in your diet it is recommended to check with your dietitian to ensure that yuca fits your overall dietary plan.
(Source: WebMD)
How To Store Yuca
Remember that yuca is a perishable ingredient and needs proper storage. Keeping it properly will prolong its shelf life and will ensure that you get the best taste and quality.
There are a number of ways you can keep your yuca stay fresh. Here they are:
🍠 Choose fresh cassava – When purchasing choose roots that are firm and free from soft spots. It should also have brown healthy skin.
🍠 Keep it cool and dry – You should place your cassava in a cool dark place like a pantry. Avoid places with high humidity and direct sunlight.
🍠 Do not peel and wash – Until you are ready to use it avoid washing and peeling your yuca. The skin acts as a protective barrier and helps keep moisture and preserves the freshness of the root.
🍠 Contain your yuca in a crate or basket – Or any kind of container that’s breathable. This promotes air circulation and prevents moisture build-up which can lead to rot.
🍠 Use within a reasonable time – Yuca when stored properly can last for 1 to 2 weeks. Try using it as soon as possible to ensure the best quality and taste.
🍠 Refrigeration – While it is recommended to store cassava at room temperature, you can store it in the fridge to extend its shelf life.
Just keep it in a sealable plastic bag and store it in the fridge. Do keep in mind that yuca tends to get a tougher texture in the fridge so it is best used in 5 to 7 days.
While they may have similarities yuca and potato are two completely different tubers.
Yuca has firm white flesh and brown tough skin. While potatoes have smooth skin and yellow flesh depending on the variety used.
It has an earthy slightly sweet taste. While potatoes have a smooth and creamy taste.
Yuca is a starchy root vegetable and contains 39 grams of carbohydrates, 1.8 grams of fiber, and 2 grams of sugar per half-cup
The dense white flesh of yuca is described as having a mild, sweet, nutty, and earthy taste and is sometimes compared to potatoes, yams, and sweet potatoes.
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